Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • GQB
    Apr 15, 11:56 PM
    I dislike it when people keep saying that line over and over. Does competition really make products better? Where's the truth in that? If it's truly the case, why do we still see half-baked consumer products for the end user?


    It, like 'the free market always decides best' is simply and literally religious dogma.
    Competition as often as not results in a race to the bottom, just as the 'free market' is useless regarding life necessities (e.g. water or health care.)

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  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 11:40 AM
    When I talk to most people in my liberal town, they agree with me and say, "Those states are crazy and it's the state of today's republican party". That's what I think and what many posters are saying on these forums. It appears most of us, from what I gather, support unions.

    So when I talk to my 28 year old son in law school, it becomes a different issue. He's a 3L in the thick of things seeing "both" sides of everything, without any moral consideration, and his conservative leanings tend to buy the myth that unions and "liberals" are anti-business. He can talk the liberal argument, because he may have to one day, but his conservative bias is hard to break. I wish him all the best, always, but God help us should he ever make the bench anywhere. ;)

    Anytime I take a liberal point of view, he brings back the conservative argument, or platform, but then uses his great skills of persuasion to actually make his side sound correct. But come on, we are in the 21st century, and yes there were mafia thugs in the early union history, but to equate that "thuggishness" to today is trying to rewrite history. The unions are not that "Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito" movie but conservatives will want to push that ridiculous stereotype. His undergrad was history (from a liberal school, oddly enough) and mine was labor law/employment law (also ironically from a very conservative school) and if anything, he should know better. Neither of us were swayed by our professors and school leanings, but at least I try and take a middle ground where he won't. I try and see the good in both sides, but conservatives I talk to, whether it's him, or posters on Macrumors, are glacial in their ability to change. And political leanings, if gone unchecked, can wipe out a lot of great education, however expensive it was. "But I studied under so and so and they have Nobels!" and my school is tops he declares, where I answer back and say, "But they left your school to work for Clinton's administration". :)

    The unions are now legitimate organizations and while not perfect, they are a pillar of our society which we can't live without (regardless of what 18th century politicians believed unions to be back in the day).

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 01:59 PM

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  • elctropro
    Jan 1, 01:26 AM
    My understanding is that AT&T is pretty far along in its upgrade from HPSA (3G) network to HPSA+ (faster 3G). They're doing this to maximize their existing investment in their infrastructure, and they should be able to employ LTE a little faster than Verizon has been, since LTE is a more streamlined upgrade from HPSA+. They claim that this is best for customers long-term, because when LTE (4G) coverage gives out, users can fall back on widespread HPSA+ coverage with similar performance. Whereas with Verizon, when you move out of an area with 4G coverage, you notice a HUGE drop in speed going to their ancient EV-DO technology.


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  • eric_n_dfw
    Oct 28, 06:12 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD? A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief? Maybe I'm missing something :o
    Who says they don't?

    In fact, if you believe this guy's blog, Apple may very well have saved FreeBSD from oblivion:

    (I'm not necessarily saying he's right about saving FreeBSD, just that NeXT/Apple have contributed to it.)

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  • thisisahughes
    Mar 24, 05:53 PM
    Happy Birthday Mac OS X.


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  • Evangelion
    Aug 8, 04:03 AM
    The Cinema Displays aren't for general consumers like most of you posting in this thread. They're for professionals who need even backlighting, excellent color accuracy, and a large viewing angle. That's why Apple charges a premium for them. If you don't care about these things get a Dell.

    What makes you think that you can't get those features in a Dell? Do you have any facts?

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 26, 10:38 AM
    Oh sounds very exciting! Can't wait, hoping it word fine :D

    thanks. i hope it works also. if not, i know what i'll be working on this weekend. but it looks like the gpus are still going i think


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  • hayesk
    Mar 26, 08:06 PM
    Have they thought about including a USB stick in the box as well, for the Macbook Air? I sure would hate to have to buy an external CD drive just to get the new OS on my computer. Will they allow it to be downloaded over the internet?

    I'll bet they allow it to be downloaded from the App Store, and boxed copies will only come on USB stick.

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  • Dagless
    Mar 26, 06:16 PM
    Well, they did steal over $1000 worth of stuff. Thats a big deal in my book when I only make $10,000 a year and that I'm in college. I know what you are saying but its still crappy for someone to even steal $100 worth of stuff from you.

    It's crappy that someone would steal anything from you. The feeling of having something taken from you is an unmeasurable price in itself.
    Back in our old house we had a bike stolen, my grandfather (who was about 70 at the time) fought off some Spanish muggers whilst on holiday too. That really shook him up and nothing was taken from him!


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  • skunk
    Apr 25, 03:01 PM
    Or, more simply, you could just remove the injunction against posting "+1".

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  • whooleytoo
    Apr 13, 08:04 AM
    That again? You do realize that 9/11 had very little to do with airport security but everything to do with incompetence on the side of the secret service and negligence on the side of the US government? TSA has not made airtravel any safer than prior to 9/11.

    The secret service might get lucky and stop a terrorist organisation before they do any harm, but they can do nothing to prevent a nutter getting on a plane if he doesn't have any record. It's up to the airport security to limit the weapons available to him on the plane, it's the best they can do.

    And it's up to everyone to decide what the 'best balance' is between privacy and safety. One thing is certain - the TSA (or any other airport authorities around the world) are always wrong: searches like this are wrong/if a weapon slips through and is used in a hijacking they're wrong.


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  • wordoflife
    Mar 17, 11:04 PM
    I think the IPS display makes the screen pop out to people who are near by and then they comment on how nice it looks.

    I know this from experience :eek:
    The iPhone 4 display stands out like crazy (compared to my 3GS and other phones)

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  • takao
    Sep 8, 01:27 PM
    I've passed by Lawyers, Doctors, even a Judge (I know because as a youth I got schooled by her) listening to Kanye West, LL Cool J, Queen Latifah. Why? Because it gives them a motivative sense of power, a sense of "I'm above the rest" that most other genre's of music doesnt provide. Rock N Roll comes really close, but from what I've heard, I cannot pick 10 artists/groups in all their albums that brings it like Rap/Hip-Hop.

    luckily not all rap/hip hop (especially the non US ones) gives this sense of "i'm above the rest" .. since they are nowhere as good as the funny,more language acrobatic ones IMHO

    but i'm 22 and not 15 and didn't grew up in the gettho or something

    (thankfully my younger brother(13) jumped straight to rammstein ;) )


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  • l3lack J4ck
    Nov 23, 11:01 PM
    and when you say EPP why do u think that will imply to me? i am not part of a corporate thing only a "university" student. I am acutally a high school student but am enrolled in college classes...i have a university id tho..

    so you think it will be included?

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  • dscuber9000
    Mar 24, 07:34 PM
    Downhill since Tiger.

    Says a Windows user. :rolleyes:


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  • ArtOfWarfare
    Sep 28, 01:15 PM
    No screening room (

    Thats not apart of what a home should be. Homes are for eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing. A screening room is for... Well, none of those.

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  • skyrim wallpaper hd. Skyrim Wallpaper Hd; Skyrim Wallpaper Hd. AP_piano295. Apr 26, 01:27 PM. Not all religion is about the belief

  • MBPLurker
    Mar 17, 10:44 AM
    The poor kid simply hit the "cash" button before typing in the total. I used to work at BB (now an attorney), so I feel sorry for the kid. The OP committed retail theft by knowingly leaving the store with a product he didn't pay full value for (differentiated from receiving a computer by mistake because of the intent requirement). If the kid is not fired he will surely be written up and never able to move upward in the company to get things like health insurance and other benefits. What's worse is that this is the time of the year when BB takes on a lot of new hires.

    It's sad to see people surprised at "morality police" coming out against the OP. He committed a freaking crime! Worse, he thinks he deserved to do it because he was a good boy and didnt steal the lady's iPhone earlier...

    I doubt it will do any good, but I'll do my part and forward this thread to some friends at BB corporate. I'm sure they could track down the receipt and let the kids gm know why his register was off by that amount and that it wasn't internal theft. They'd also give the GM OP's info from his rz card, which could be amusing... :)

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  • jbg232
    Mar 17, 08:56 AM
    This is a very entertaining thread that is showing many different sides of the macrumors members.

    That being said, we are ALL unethical at some point in time and we ALL have varying interpretations for "ethical" behavior. Philosophers have debated for thousands of years to answer the question "what is the right way to act?" Thinking that there IS an answer is superfluous, even more so on an internet forum.

    That being said, obviously you got a break and you're happy. You're the only one who ultimately has to determine if you did the right thing because honestly, we on the macrumors forums are NOT realistically being affected by this random act (if this were a systematic thing or we were making laws that would be different) and it is your conscience that matters.

    However, PERSONALLY, given that I had already budgeted out the money for the iPad before buying it I would make a small donation (maybe $5-$25) to Japan (you'll still be making a deal). That's just me however, feel free to do what you want with the extra money.

    Jan 14, 01:40 PM
    Pretty sure that the "something in the air" is the stench of the hardcore fanboys leaving their parents' basements for the first time in months...

    Oct 28, 04:57 PM
    The thin veneer is off the vast majority of people that clamor for OSS.

    Whenever I hear the OSS crowd scream "Software should be FREE!" I translate that to mean "I refuse to pay someone for their work, thus I will STEAL it"!

    I don't blame Apple. The OSS community abused what they had and turned to piracy by stealing the GUI. Kudos Apple.


    Anyone who understands what OSS and or "free software" is knows that they're not talking about money when they say it should be "free".

    From (emphasis added):
    To help distinguish libre (freedom) software from gratis (zero price) software, Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement, developed the following explanation: "Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'". More specifically, free software means that computer users have the freedom to cooperate with whom they choose, and to control the software they use.

    Are there people who steal software, yes - but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about here.

    FWIW: I work every day developing commercial web sites with free software (JBoss, Tomcat, Ant, Apache, gcc, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Eclipse, etc...). Why? Because we don't want to pay for it? Hell no! We pay a lot of money in licenses and support contracts just like we would for non-OSS products. The difference is that, when needed, we can see why the software acts the way it does and even can change it if we find it necessary. We don't have to rely solely on a vendor's promise about how secure or optimized their code is because it's wide open for all to see. THAT is what OSS is all about.

    Mar 17, 11:52 AM
    Nope, because I left LSU with my character intact.

    u mad?

    Me? Mad? Lol

    Oct 12, 07:06 PM
    Gizmodo is not credible in my opinion!

    Nov 28, 05:06 PM
    the thing with the RC cars is comapred to spy planes they are not really "1 shot destroyable" .. with a spy plane: 1 rocket (locked on) fired -> 1 plane shot down (i downed i think around 60 so far.. and countless choppers)

    the RC car has a hit box the size of a bee: on one occasion i walked around with akimbo semi auto shotguns and unloaded all 8 shots towards one and it just didn't die.. so far i have been able to destroy perhaps 3-4 of them while driving around

    they should make the supply drop a 4 and the rc car a 5 killstreak at least
    or at least add out the ability to drive up stairs

    and while dogs are terryfing ... they are also much easier to kill than a single RC car: if you see them running towards you you can down 1-2 with a clip if you are lucky

    if we are talking about killstreaks: the huey chopper gunner red highlighting needs to go

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